Friday, 16 January 2015

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Help for the elderly and vulnerable

Marsabit County’s department of Culture, Tourism and Social Services in set aside funds to cater for ageing persons who need relief and are in distress.
According to the Executive member for Tourism Grace Galmo, the county government will give the identified elders a monthly stipend of at least Sh2,000 to supplement the efforts of the national government, which has been assisting them. Galmo says they will work closely with local leaders, elders and ward administrators to identify such old and needy persons.
Vulnerable citizens cushioned from harsh economic times.
The elderly will be aided through cash handouts, the provision of their basic needs such as primary health care, shelter and education. The  criteria  for  eligibility  and  to  identification of  the  beneficiaries  from  these  funds  will  be decided by a committee drawn from personnel from the department of Culture and Social Services, in consultation with village elders, local leaders and ward administrators.

The duration of help will also have to be decided, whether it will be one-off help, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bi-annually or annually. The mode of help will be agreed upon to avoid public outcry over foul play and mischief, and to ensure that no vulnerable persons are left out.“Making the right and wise decisions means our department must meet its obligations by using the funds appropriately and for the rightful beneficiaries. This way we will uplift the living standards of our communities and build their faith and trust in their county government,” Galmo asserts.


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